How Essential Oils can help Prevent Burnout

We’ve all had ‘one of those days’ where we just can’t seem to get motivated. Don’t worry though, this is normal and can be made a little easier with some support from essential oils! Let’s take a closer look...
Do I Have Work Burnout Or Am I Just Tired?
It might feel like you’re just tired but dig a little deeper. How motivated are you? Are you excited to go to work? We’re not saying that you have to enjoy every minute at your ‘desk’ but if you’re no longer enjoying things in the way that you used to, maybe something bigger is going on.
Maybe you’re being too harsh on yourself. Perfectionists can have a higher risk of work burnout, partly because they feel the need to do EVERYTHING. We all love to make sure that everything is done correctly, but if the details don’t quite work out, it’s important to realise that it’s OK to not be at 100% all of the time.
Am I Working Too Much?
How much are you working? No, really how much are you actually working? If you don’t know when your working day ends and your ‘me time’ starts, you can end up doing a LOT more than you realise.
The best thing to do is to stay focused at work and set clear deadlines for yourself, but be realistic. At first, this might feel like more pressure, but having more structure and creating boundaries between your home life and your work life will let you approach each day with a new mindset.
To boost yourself during the working hours, turn on your steam diffuser with a few drops of Happy essential oil. Taking in a deep breath of the citrusy scent of orange and Ylang Ylang. Orange is uplifting and comforting while Ylang Ylang is a mood enhancer and believed to reduce the level of the stress hormone, cortisol, in your body.
How Can I Get Back To A Good Sleep Routine?
Insomnia is a key symptom of burnout, so solving your sleeping pattern is an integral part of tackling the issue. But how should you go about it?
Run an evening bath and light your Soothe candle for relaxing, it contains a blend of 6 essential oils, including lavender and eucalyptus, which can help you to get a great night’s sleep. Lavender soothes the body and eucalyptus clears a busy mind. Light a to further calm the nervous system function as well as further promote some Zzzs.
Try out these steps and you could become a more motivated and happier you.